Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Kara's confidence as a superhero is shaky at first, and with good reason. But then a threat to National City forces her to cast her doubts aside in order to capture an escapee from the Kryptonian prison Fort Rozz. Elsewhere, Cat pressures James to use his connection to Superman to land her an interview with his cousin.
Supergirl by Nadim S. - 11/5/2015 1:08 PM More...

Season 3 ends with everyone in danger when Ra's al Ghul implements his final plan. Meanwhile, Oliver/Al Sah-him must decide if he is strong enough to take on his new role, and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow and on his own soul.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 5/15/2015 9:21 AM More...

Al Sah-him completes his training and takes the final steps to become the next Ra's al Ghul. Meanwhile, Ra's threatens Nyssa and delivers some shocking news; Malcolm makes a surprising offer to Team Arrow; and Thea and Roy reunite.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 5/11/2015 12:20 PM More...

Oliver goes through a rigorous transformation. Meanwhile, the League of Assassins come after Nyssa and she arms herself to face them alone, but Laurel asks Felicity and Diggle to help protect her.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 5/4/2015 8:11 AM More...

Ra's al Ghul makes Oliver an offer he can't refuse. The team join Oliver on his journey to Nanda Parbat where a heartbroken Felicity decides to take matters into her own hands.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 4/27/2015 8:23 AM More...

Deathbolt, a meta-human who kills people with blasts of energy and plasma, terrorizes Starling City, which forces Oliver to form an unlikely partnership with Ray to save the town.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 4/20/2015 4:45 PM More...

Don tries to track down a friend; Joan struggles to solve a problem with an account; Peggy is set up by an unlikely person.
Mad Men by Nadim S. - 4/7/2015 12:39 PM More...

Ray is critically injured during an attack on the mayor's office. Felicity is pleasantly surprised when her mother shows up at the hospital to offer her support. Meanwhile, Oliver and his team search for the culprit, but things turn even darker when Ra's al Ghul kidnaps Capt. Lance.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 4/7/2015 12:21 PM More...

Diggle and Lyla get married, but Deadshot interrupts their honeymoon and tells them the Suicide Squad has been given a new mission. They are to rescue a U.S. senator from a hostage situation in the Republic of Kasnia. Meanwhile, Oliver learns about Ray's new Atom costume and the two have a heated exchange; and Felicity and Ray hit a rough patch.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 3/27/2015 5:49 AM More...

A new villain known as Murmur, whose mouth has been sewn shut, begins to terrorize Starling City. Meanwhile, Laurel and Nyssa bond over their issues with their fathers; and Thea is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcolm to the loft to recover.
Arrow by Nadim S. - 3/23/2015 6:50 AM More...