Orange Lounge Radio

Orange Lounge Radio Episode 673 - 1/22/17

The Nintendo Switch has stayed atop many gaming minds this week, as pre-orders are filling up, and more games are announced from the indie scene. But what ISN'T going to be on the switch that has our hosts somewhat confused? And do the chatters agree or do they thing this missing software is no big deal?

Also on tonight's show, Matt Baume from the Sewers of Paris podcast as well as Defining Marriage joins us to talk about his latest project, Playing with Pride. Learn how you can view some early clips from this project and give your feedback!

 Also in the News:
* Zenimax and Oculus lawsuit continues
* Fire Emblem Direct
* Freestyle Games acquired by Ubisoft
* "Yes", Valve has more games coming

 All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio!
LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern
Twitter: @olr
Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com

Download the MP3! - 79MB, 2 hours 47 minutes 38 seconds

Podcast by - 1/23/2017 2:32 AM2009 views


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