Person of Interest 3.22: A House Divided
Amanda Segal
Chris Fisher
After last season's finale, it felt like Person of Interest had concluded its introductory
phase. The major players were in place, the broad strokes of their back-stories
revealed. With the Machine untethered and testing its new freedoms (and
interfaces,) it was time to dig deeper into this brave new world and explore
the implications of machine surveillance and intelligence.
With the new complicating factor of Decima and its quest to
revive Samaritan, the opposing viewpoints to Finch's expanded beyond the
nuttier hacker liberation theology of Root. Harold got to wax philosophical
with Samaritan's creator about the ethics and responsibilities of creating
machine life. And the previous episode ended with the promise of Finch locking
rhetorical horns with Greer.
Sticking Michael Emerson and John Nolan alone in a room will
always live up to its billing. Finch is genuinely taken aback when Greer
professes something closer to Root's liberation mantra over controlling
Samaritan. Finch has never embraced the pragmatic real-politik practiced by Greer,
so may be missing the possibilities for profit in chaos and disruption Greer anticipates.
But that confrontation is only the prelude to the main event,
ushered in by this season's new player, Vigilance. Leslie Odom Jr. has done
great work all season, investing Peter Collier with shadowy, intelligent menace.
But I've always felt Vigilance's capabilities, their reach, outstripped their
personnel. Collier/Brandt's backstory establishes his motives as pure, solely
focused on the show trial that will reveal all. But I suspect the answer to who,
or what, sent him the text that pushed him down this path will pull back the
curtain on less palatable elements, unbeknownst to him.
All of these political and philosophical elements lie behind
the action-adventure veneer with which the show always expertly camouflages
them. Vigilance's lurking, unseen threat causes the Machine to spit out Numbers
that lead to some very strange bedfellows. While Team Machine does end up
protecting their long-time adversaries, their initial speculation that the Machine,
once again, is pointing out targets is understandable. (Shaw's plaintive
appeals to shoot Control kept reminding me of Fiona's 'Shall we shoot them?'
from the Burn Notice opening credits.)
- The battle of wits between Finch and Greer
- Vigilance finally shows its teeth
- What lies behind the curtain for Collier?
- Hard to find anything bad about it!