Pokestop Podcast

Episode 6 - Pokemon Go Finally Delivers Some Bans!

We record on Saturday just as we are about to go on a road trip to the Pokemon World Championship (tune in next week to see how it went). Our friend Tyler joins us to talk about the weeks news, including some corrections that Shane wants to issue to the previous episode. We do get to talk about some recent reveals too such as Crabrawler and Sandygast. Some folks who have been cheating were in for a big surprise in Pokemon Go, and we talk for a bit about the recent news in the Go community this week.

Follow us on Twitter @pokestoppodcast
Contact: pokestoppodcast (at) gmail

Download the MP3! - 29MB, 1 hour 2 minutes 18 seconds

Podcast by - 8/24/2016 7:31 PM652 views


8/26/2016 12:12 PM

0 0

The Fighting-Type Alakazam is a fake. I actually follow the guy who made it on DeviantArt.


He makes pretty great Pokémon art!
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