Preview by Flaco Jones

Flaco's 2015 Winter Movie Preview

Flaco's 2015 Winter Movie Preview

Winter movie season is upon us again and this year, more than ever, it has become the prime release period for movies that were bumped from their previously claimed spots on the calendar for one reason or another. 

While over half the movies featured in this preview were pushed back from earlier dates, there are still a few others that see this as a great time to release a big, hotly anticipated movie with very little competition. Along the way, I’ll fill you in on which specific films made the change to these new winter dates.


Taken 3

Right off the bat is a film that didn’t have to tweak its release date. The original “Taken” was a surprise winter mega-blockbuster, and is a good example of not necessarily viewing these months as a dumping ground for bad movies. This latest and, according the marketing, final film in the Taken series should continue the trend of packing moviegoers into theaters to see the man with “a particular set of skills” kill loads of bad guys.



For the first time in almost 6 years, acclaimed director Michael Mann got back behind the camera to make this cybercrime thriller. Now, while there was never an official announcement, at Comic-Con they did tease a possible Oscar eligibility release, which would have meant December at the latest. Eventually they announced this January release date instead. It looks pretty good, but I think I would find a world class hacker more believable if he didn’t have the body of, well, a Norse God.


Strange Magic

This movie’s release date was never pushed back, but it also reeks of dumping ground fodder. It’s from a story idea by George Lucas and was in production before he sold Lucasfilm to Disney. After watching the trailer, I have a feeling there must have been a clause in that deal that prevented Disney from just canning this thing forever. 


Project Almanac

If this trailer looks familiar to any faithful readers of these preview articles, it’s because it was in last year’s winter movie preview as a late February release called “Welcome to Yesterday.” It was pulled weeks before release and the title was eventually changed closer to the original title it had in the first place of “Almanac.” Not sure about the changes, but it must have been big enough to warrant the yearlong delay.


Jupiter Ascending

Another film that was delayed just weeks before release and this was a summer movie set for late July. They claim it was because they needed to do additional special effects work, but there was also another giant space epic called “Guardians of the Galaxy” slated to debut just a week or so after in early August. The Wachowski’s do not have the best track record lately, and this schedule shift from summer to winter doesn’t add a lot of confidence.

Seventh Son

This movie has moved so many times, it’s insane. At one point it was scheduled for February of 2013. After a lot of moving around it settled on January 2014, but then Legendary Pictures lost their distribution deal with Warner Brothers. Once Universal partnered up with Legendary to distribute the movie, they changed the dates a couple more times before landing on this one. Hopefully the effects have been updated to compensate for this film’s many years on the shelf.


Fifty Shades of Grey

Back to the land of rock solid release dates for a moment, this film was always intended as a Valentine’s Day weekend release. Partner that prime release date with die-hard fans of the book, as well as people just looking for a guilty pleasure movie, and I think this one is going to be a monster hit.

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Matthew Vaughn dropped out of directing “X-Men: Days of Future Past” to tackle this much riskier adaptation of a lesser known comic book instead. Originally slated for an October 2014 release, the film moves to the genre friendlier winter and is good counter programming against “Shades” but is still a long shot to be a hit.


Hot Tub Time Machine 2

This film was pushed back a couple of months from its original Christmas 2014 release date, probably because it was going for the similar raunchy comedy audience that the better known “The Interview” was seeking. While that space on the calendar has opened back up, it’s too late to go back now. If only they had some sort of time machine…



Finally on this list, in what looks to be an epic disaster of a movie, is this joint production between American, Canadian, and Chinese film companies. Because of the heavy Chinese involvement and setting, it was scheduled for a big 3D release in China first back in September, but was pulled from all screens just hours before debuting for unknown reasons. It was eventually rescheduled for January in China and a month later here in North America. 

That’s all for winter. Come back in a couple of months for my spring movie preview. With blockbusters starting to show up on more of the calendar than ever, these early months are finally getting some love. Make sure to rank the winter films you want to see below and participate in the comments if you want more in depth discussions about these movies.

Flaco Jones is a former film school grad and current professional A/V nerd. You can follow him @flaco_jones on Twitter.

Preview by - 1/10/2015 11:53 AM672 views

Your Ranking

Which of these 2015 Winter films are you most looking forward to?

Flaco's previewed the 2015 Winter films, which of them are you MOST looking forward to seeing?

Based on 9 Participants

  1. Jupiter Ascending
    (Average Rank: 2.77)

  2. Blackhat
    (Average Rank: 4.11)

  3. Project Almanac
    (Average Rank: 4.11)

  4. Kingsman: The Secret Service
    (Average Rank: 4.33)

  5. Taken 3
    (Average Rank: 5.11)

  6. Seventh Son
    (Average Rank: 5.11)

  7. Hot Tub Time Machine 2
    (Average Rank: 6.33)

  8. Strange Magic
    (Average Rank: 6.88)

  9. Fifty Shades of Grey
    (Average Rank: 7.55)

  10. Outcast
    (Average Rank: 8.66)

Registered Participants can rank these choices, and are eligible to receive Points during the article's first week of publication! Why not sign up and start playing today?


1/10/2015 12:34 PM

1 0

Jupiter Ascending looks very interesting, I like these big epic space opera type movies, With the Wachowskis involved, the film will have mind blowing visual FX.

I think Kingsman: The Secret Service is going to do the Spy genre, What Kick-Ass did to the Superhero genre.

Whats also interesting is, we have two time travel movies within the same year, with Project Almanac and Hot Tub Time Machine 2, Though this isn't the first time, two time travel movies came out the same year, Back to the Future part 2 and 3 came out several months apart in 1989.
1/11/2015 7:04 AM

0 0

I actually had no interest in seeing Kingsman until this latest trailer that I posted here in the article. The previous trailers had me confused as to what it was even about. I think you nailed it with the Kick-Ass comparison.
1/11/2015 11:28 AM

1 0

The only movie I'm actually interested in is Seventh Son. The rest... well, they just don't appeal to me. Maybe Kingsman, but it looks like just another action flic.

I may give Hot Tube Machine a chance (since I liked the first one) but when it gets a home release.

Project Almanac, the more I see of it, the less I want to see it.
1/12/2015 11:16 AM

0 0

Winter is always a tough season because a lot of these are obviously dumped onto the winter schedule. It is nice to see a lot of sci-fi/fantasy selections though. Hopefully there are a few diamonds in the rough.
1/12/2015 11:47 AM

1 0

That's true. Sci-fi is sure getting lots of love right now from Hollywood, hopefully the movies turn out ok at least.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
1/12/2015 11:51 AM

1 0

Is it sad that I actually had to go backwards when I ranked this list because I was more sure of what I DIDN'T want to see?
1/15/2015 8:31 AM

0 0

Hey, flip it around and make it a worst movies list. Great idea, the game works two ways! :P
1/12/2015 1:54 PM

1 0

Sorry not sorry that I have Fifty Shades of Grey as my #1

What can I say, I love a good guilty pleasure film, and the odds of it being "so bad it's kinda good" or even "so bad it's really really laughably bad" are high. Most other things on this list are a bit "meh" save the Wachowskis film because I loved Bound THAT much I'll overlook just about anything they've done since.
1/15/2015 8:38 AM

0 0

Oops, I meant to reply to you with my other comment but it locked me out for posting again too soon and reset the comment window.
1/15/2015 8:35 AM

0 0

I knew you'd be the one to give Grey some love, Rob! It may not be the geekiest movie on the list, but I bet it will be the biggest hit.
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