Flaco's Summer 2015 Movie Preview: Part 1
Avengers: Age of Ultron
It's going to be hard to top this sequel, not only on in our VOG rankings, but aside from a little movie dropping on Christmas Day, this should face little competition as the biggest movie of the year.
The movie seems to be marketing as a kinder, gentler Arnold who just wants to protect his zombie daughter, but I'll wait and see if they don't have some kind of knock-down drag-out action sequence by at least the climax of the film.
MAY 15
Mad Max: Fury Road
This movie looks like a blast. It's amazing to me George Miller can so seamlessly direct the Mad Max movies and kiddie fare like Happy Feet. If the trailer is any indication, Miller is like a kid in a candy store with a big budget like this.
MAY 22
Here’s yet another remake of a movie from our childhoods. They do seem to change quite a few details which could be good for freshening up the piece but might also harm the nostalgia factor if they change it too much.
I have no idea what this movie is about, but I hope, since it's made by Disney and shares the name of one of my favorite "lands" in their famous park, that somehow Space Mountain comes into play. Also helps that the director is the amazing Brad Bird.
MAY 29
San Andreas
Speaking of Brad Bird, he was attached to direct a movie about the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, but moved on to other projects leaving that script in development hell. The story of the 1906 earthquake is a fascinating one that has been bouncing around different directors for a while, yet this seemingly appeared overnight and looks like every other generic modern disaster movie.
I'm pretty sure this movie is guaranteed a spot at the bottom of our movie rankings for this season but I couldn't resist adding it due to a couple of the players involved, including Director Paul Feig, also being involved in the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot. Hopefully it's not a sign of that future franchise's quality.
Jurassic World
The Jurassic Park film franchise has been all over the map as far as quality is concerned as each sequel tries to capture the magic and menace of the original. I don't know if it can ever be done without Steven Spielberg at the helm himself, but this movie has a good shot from the looks of it.
Inside Out
Pixar's animation dominance has been challenged as of late. Hopefully this original take on an idea, as opposed to yet another sequel, proves they can still produce great films that do more than just look pretty.
Ted 2
I thought the original R-rated teddy bear movie started off strong then fell into some boring conventions. It doesn't look like much has improved based on the trailer, but if all you want is foul-mouthed stuffed animal jokes, then it will probably be just fine.
And that will do it until July when I return with part 2 of the summer movie preview and even more big, summer movies. I had to leave off a few to keep the list to 10 films, so please participate in the comments where we can discuss these films and the ones I didn’t mention. Also, don't forget to rank them in the order that they interest you below.
5/16/2015 12:28 PM