

Registered: 6/2/2012
Last Online: 12/23/2022
Days Logged In: 261

Forum Posts: 616
Comments: 19
Likes: 15
March Score: 0
Career Score: 512
Login Streak: 1

Amount of Loot: 15
Live Checkins: 76
Podcast Checkins: 4

Loot Stash

Very Old Box of Orange Juice

This brand hasn't been around since 2002! This is a 15 year old box! Ewww, hope it's not moldy by now. Thanks for being a listener of Orange Lounge Radio-- not matter if it's been for 15 minutes or 15 years!

Total Found: 1

A Chalice of Holy Water

Look, as if an episode of OLR celebrating the mark of the beast wasn't dangerous enough, you'll probably need it to survive the rest of 2016.

Total Found: 1

A Show of Hands

You weren't just listening, you were Participating. Just like these four and a half hands.

Total Found: 1

E3 2014 T-Shirt

We can't say it's officially from the E3 souvenir booth, but we can say THANKS for participating with our site!

Total Found: 1

VOG's Campfire Logs

Log on to the VOG Network this often and you'll never get to see a real campfire. Don't worry, we have you covered.

Total Found: 1

Some Flapping Podcasters

They wouldn't shut up while you were playing Flappy VOG, because they're podcasters. They also never told you WHY they were flapping.

Total Found: 1

Traffic Sign

You've been using your voice to give opinions... wanting someone to like them... hoping someone would give you a sign. Well, here you go. Somewhere in the distance, you hear the sound of screeching tires.

Total Found: 1

Vodka Soaked Gummi Bears

These gummi bears came in a small ziplock bag, and were lovingly soaked in vodka for A MONTH. Only available at Dragon Con 2013. Worth it.

Total Found: 1

A Pet Philosoraptor

Have you ever stopped to think...And forget to start again?

Total Found: 1

An E3 Media Badge

Granted, this one's an old badge from years ago, but it's the thought that counts. Thanks for contributing to our coverage!

Total Found: 1

An Orange Ferret

Scoozie! Hoo Hoo! Hee Hee! *Giggle*

Total Found: 1

A Crazy Maurauding Domokun

Well, Hello There! Domokun has heard you listening to the LIVE DEBUT of Anime Jam Session! (Hide the kittens...)

Total Found: 1

Mars Curiosity Model

Travis Donovan used a heat shield, parachute, rockets, and a crane to bring LIVE coverage of the Mars Curiosity rover landing on August 5, 2012, and all you got was this model.

Total Found: 1

A 10 Year Old Couch

10 years, 462 episodes, and numerous ferrets mean that sometimes new digs are needed. But what OLR loses is your gain! It's...pretty worn in, though.

Total Found: 1

First Time Visitor Chest

You visited for the first time! There's more loot within! To start you off, here's 5 points!

Total Found: 1