

Registered: 7/9/2012
Last Online: 1/7/2019
Days Logged In: 1431

Forum Posts: 151
Comments: 19
Likes: 17
March Score: 0
Career Score: 5146
Login Streak: 1

Amount of Loot: 125
Live Checkins: 898
Podcast Checkins: 40

Loot Stash

Some Cardboard. Make Your Own Damn Loot.

If Nintendo can do it, so can we. VOG Labo says make your own damn loot for once.

Total Found: 1

A Robot Dog

"Arf! Arf! Loyal Vistors like you deserve a pet like me!" the dog exclaims. Awww, you can't help but pick him up and pet him. Feels.... metallic.

Total Found: 9

Very Old Box of Orange Juice

This brand hasn't been around since 2002! This is a 15 year old box! Ewww, hope it's not moldy by now. Thanks for being a listener of Orange Lounge Radio-- not matter if it's been for 15 minutes or 15 years!

Total Found: 1

A Hashtag Tag!

#Thanks for your #loyalty here at #VOG. #VOGLoyals like you are the reason this site is #winning!

Total Found: 9

A Glass of Ice Water

Although you might have been hoping for something a bit more... potent, we here at VOG feel this ice water can quench your thirst for the information you look for here every day. Did we mention it's in a virtual keepsake glass?

Total Found: 9

A Chalice of Holy Water

Look, as if an episode of OLR celebrating the mark of the beast wasn't dangerous enough, you'll probably need it to survive the rest of 2016.

Total Found: 1

A Cake That's Not Hogwash

"Cake? Uh...Hogwash. Later."

Total Found: 1

The VOG Key

There is a small note attached: "Phew! You visit our site a lot! Look, here why don't we just give you a set of keys so you can get in here whenever you want. Make yourself at home, but no feet on the furniture!"

Total Found: 1

A Show of Hands

You weren't just listening, you were Participating. Just like these four and a half hands.

Total Found: 1

A Mouse

You like visiting the VOG website so much that we heard you might need a new mouse! Um, well we hope you will like THIS mouse! It's really cute. Adopt it? Please?

Total Found: 12

A Tub of Buttery Popcorn

It's the reason the floors at the movie theater are sticky, but they're just so darn tasty...You just can't help it!

Total Found: 12

A Phonograph For Archives

You wonder if you can find any podcasts from the early 20th century to play on this thing...Someone should get right on that.

Total Found: 12

Mint Julep

Someone who has visited the site as much as you deserves a refreshing break. Since I didn't card you though, it's the Disney Park kind of Julep.

Total Found: 4

Old Timey Radio

You seem to like listening to the radio, so why not listen to the radio in a classic old wibbly wobbly timey wimey style?

Total Found: 12

A Backpack of Holding

Traveling here as often as you do, it sounds like you need a place to store your infinite Loot that you are sure to get.

Total Found: 12

A Hot Cup o' Coffee

Get your minds out of the gutter, this classy coffee is made from bottled water. This coffee reserved for our loyal vistors is so good, some think it's actually Kopi Luwak. Um, don't google that.

Total Found: 12

Jet Plane

Now you can leeeaaavve on a jet plaaane anywhere you want. Well, within your own house, as this is merely a model jet plane for your collection.

Total Found: 4

Some Flapping Podcasters

They wouldn't shut up while you were playing Flappy VOG, because they're podcasters. They also never told you WHY they were flapping.

Total Found: 1

A Recycling Bin

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, RELOAD... RELOAD... RELOAD... thanks for helping to save the earth by visiting VOG!

Total Found: 3

VOG Anniversary Cake

It's no lie, you've visited VOG for what amounts to an entire year! How about another year?

Total Found: 1

A Whole Bunch Of Dead Air

You've sat through at least one of Bobby Blackwolf's 400 episodes, so here's a reminder of what fills most of the live shows.

Total Found: 1

Vodka Soaked Gummi Bears

These gummi bears came in a small ziplock bag, and were lovingly soaked in vodka for A MONTH. Only available at Dragon Con 2013. Worth it.

Total Found: 1

Strangely Modern Fan

Suddenly the light in the center lights up. The fan beings to speak to you in a deep but electronic voice. "Hello there. I am your number one fan! Won't you take me home?" Well, I guess you always wanted your own fan. It's pretty cool!

Total Found: 1

VOG's Campfire Logs

Log on to the VOG Network this often and you'll never get to see a real campfire. Don't worry, we have you covered.

Total Found: 1

An Orange Ferret

Scoozie! Hoo Hoo! Hee Hee! *Giggle*

Total Found: 1

A Red Toy Spaceship

Awww crap, the space game references even got into our loot. Oh well, Thanks for participating with Horde House Episode 100!

Total Found: 1

First Time Visitor Chest

You visited for the first time! There's more loot within! To start you off, here's 5 points!

Total Found: 1