

Registered: 6/1/2012
Last Online: 12/1/2013
Days Logged In: 60

Forum Posts: 2
Comments: 0
Likes: 0
January Score: 0
Career Score: 91
Login Streak: 1

Amount of Loot: 3
Live Checkins: 15
Podcast Checkins: 1

Loot Stash

A 10 Year Old Couch

10 years, 462 episodes, and numerous ferrets mean that sometimes new digs are needed. But what OLR loses is your gain! It's...pretty worn in, though.

Total Found: 1

Old Timey Radio

You seem to like listening to the radio, so why not listen to the radio in a classic old wibbly wobbly timey wimey style?

Total Found: 1

First Time Visitor Chest

You visited for the first time! There's more loot within! To start you off, here's 5 points!

Total Found: 1