Episode 56 - "Rollin' with the Homies" - 03.02.17


Two new limited run toku shows were announced this week seemingly out of nowhere - one seemingly forcing RangerPRIDE and RiderLOVE to merge for a few episodes and the other to give Shane unfounded hope that Dino Charge could one day come back with new episodes. Also this week, the guys discuss their Ninja Steel blues (as usual) and that amazing almost full team roll call in a very sassy episode of Kyuranger.

As always, we welcome your emails and tweets to give us your feedback!

Email: rangerpridepodcast@gmail.com
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VOG: vognetwork.com/rangerpride on Wednesdays at 7pm PT and Fridays at 9am PT
You can also find us on iTunes and Google Play Music!

Download the MP3! - 41MB, 58 minutes 34 seconds

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