Review by John Keegan

Review of Doctor Who: Serpent Crest by Paul Magrs

Review of Doctor Who: Serpent Crest by Paul Magrs

“Tom Baker stars in a brand new audio adventure for the 4th Doctor, with Susan Jameson as Mrs Wibbsey. The time travellers are transported to an advanced civilisation in space, where they are soon enmeshed in the dangerous war between Robotovs and human beings…”

The third entry in the BBC-originated Doctor Who audiodramas (as opposed to the more well-known Big Finish productions) is another five-part epic, launching out of the neatly open-ended end of “Demon Quest”.  Once again, the Fourth Doctor, Mrs. Wibbsey, and Mike Yates get embroiled in strange goings-on, this time involving a robotic empire fashioned after the Russian monarchy and an ancient, serpentine foe.

Unlike the previous epics, which followed a relatively simple progression through a series of memories or linked time travel events, all confined to Earth, this story is more sweeping and complex.  The various narrators continue to cycle through the stories, sometimes in completely unexpected ways, but this definitely the most ambitious tale yet.  In fact, more than once (and certainly at the start of the fourth episode), I found myself wondering if I’d started listening to the wrong file.

The story takes various twists and turns before coming together in the fifth and final act.  This includes traveling through time and space, the surprise appearance of a previous incarnation of the Doctor, and even a journey through an artificial reality.  It’s definitely designed best for episodic listening, more so than the previous entries in the ongoing series.

It’s unclear whether or not this particular storyline will continue.  The end of “Serpent Crest” is staged to serve as an ending to this “mini-era”, pacing the way for the Doctor’s adventures at the start of Season 16, but it’s also clear that the writers are leaving the door open for a return to Nest Cottage.  Since the Fourth Doctor Adventures are underway over at Big Finish, perhaps this particular series was deemed redundant.

I personally hope not; while it’s nice to have the Fourth Doctor in extra stories with established Companions like Leela or Romana, there’s a certain allure to the thought of an ongoing hidden period with Wibbsey and Yates.  If they do return, though, I hope it’s with a story that is a bit closer to “Hornet’s Nest” or “Demon Quest”; as much as I enjoyed the scope of this adventure, there’s a certain charm in having these characters in more familiar territory.

Price: ~$42.00 (digital version)
Acquisition method: Audible

Our Grade:
The Good:
* Another great performance from Tom Baker and company
* Neatly ties into the previous story arc
The Bad:
* Quality of episodes varies with narrator

John Keegan aka "criticalmyth", is one of the hosts of the "Critical Myth" podcast heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @criticalmyth

Review by - 10/24/2012 5:48 PM480 views

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