Review by Bronzethumb

Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

Being the youngest captain in Federation history has not stopped James Kirk from taking risks, making mistakes and suffering the consequences. But soon a bigger problem rears its head in the form of John Harrison, a rogue agent who single-handedly cripples Starfleet and threatens the safety of the whole Federation. Kirk, determined to take revenge, volunteers to take the Enterprise crew into deep space and bring Harrison to justice, but their mission puts them in the crosshairs of enemies both hidden and known, and threatens to expose some of the Federation's darkest secrets.

As the name implies, "Star Trek Into Darkness" is a darker film than its predecessor, and draws upon some of the darker chapters of "Star Trek" canon to build its stories and character arcs. There are still a lot of the fun adventure elements that made the previous film so watchable, a lot of the same humour and action, but Abrams and company had added a deep vein of seriousness to what unfolds in this film. It's not just the characters who have to face more serious threats and issues; it's impossible to watch the scenes of Harrison's carnage and not be reminded of recent events.

The plot is a marked improvement from the simple, guess-everything-from-the-trailer storyline of the previous film. There's some complexity and surprises in how events unfold, all of which is grounded in the characters and feeds back into the film's dark tone. But that complexity forces the opening act of the film to feel very rushed as a lot of exposition gets crammed into a short space of time. On top of that, the final act of the plot relies on spectacle rather than an intelligent resolution of events. While the imagery is scary and disturbing in its realism, it's also shallow and borders on the deus ex machina.

The new characters to this incarnation of the Abrams-verse are excellent, to a one. Alice Eve's Dr. Marcus defies expectations and never devolves into a shallow love interest; she's important to the story and earns her place as part of the Enterprise crew. Her father, Admiral Marcus, has a much bigger and more interesting role than trailers would have you believe. But it's Benedict Cumberbatch who steals the show, so cold and menacing in every scene. All the speculation about who the villain would be seems pointless, because Harrison as played by Cumberbatch is threatening and interesting enough in his own right.

The returning players are all strong, but like the previous film, it seems like much of the crew are sidelined, which is inevitable in a two hour film. Everyone gets their hero moments and their funny lines, but it's still the Kirk and Spock show, and Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are still great in their roles. The script gives them a lot of dramatic material to play around with, and both actors rise to the occasion: Kirk and Spock have depth and they grow throughout the film, anchoring the story with their respective journeys.

Sadly, for as much as "Star Trek Into Darkness" succeeds as a film in its own right and a sequel to the 2009 instalment, many of the more serious "Star Trek" fans will take umbrage with Abrams' reinterpretation of Trek elements. The plot takes a surprising number of cues from "Deep Space Nine", adding to the titular darkness of the story, while the themes and character arcs recall "The Wrath of Khan". Even the more casual fans will be put off by how one or two classic moments are recreated, because that recognition jars with the emotion of the scenes.

"Star Trek Into Darkness" has weaknesses in how certain elements of the story are constructed or executed, and the Trekkies and Trekkers will have issues with the liberties Abrams takes with established "Star Trek" canon, but this is a film with excitement, surprises and moments of genuine emotion. Characters new and old are compelling, but what works best is how there's a real sense of theme and meaning to the film. It might be shallow at times, but it's genuine; the characters and the audience are journeying into real darkness, and hoping the utopian optimism of Gene Rodenberry's creation is enough to guide them out again.

Our Grade:
Your Grade: A-
(Based on 8 grades)
The Good:
  • Two words: Benedict Cumberbatch!
  • Plot is stronger than previous film
  • Great Kirk and Spock character moments
The Bad:
  • Rest of crew still sidelined
  • Purists may balk at changes/homages
  • Final act is a bit weak

Bronzethumb is one of the hosts of the "Critical Myth" podcast heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @Bronzethumb

Review by - 5/12/2013 2:07 PM547 views

Your Responses


Grade: A+
So I finally saw Star Trek into Darkness, I really enjoyed it much more then the first one, I saw it in 3D and the presentation was pretty good. As someone who seen all the original star trek movies and such, I appreciated some of the fan service and nods that any Trekkie will know. Overall, I thought it was a great film that improved on the first one and I am looking forward to the 3rd installment with or without JJ Abrams as the director.
See 6 More Concurring Opinions

Grade: A-
The first film was solid in it's own right, but obviously lacking in the narrative. Into Darkness turned that on it's head. It feels like a feature-length version of a classic trek episode, "trekking" across the galaxy with a solid A & B-story lines. Although the villain might seem unoriginal at this point, Cumberbatch brings a deadly life to the character and it feels more realistic. Can't wait for (a hopefully slightly more original) 3rd entry in the series. Oh, and less gratuitous sex scenes.

Grade: B-
Not as good as the last Abrahms movie-- I wanted this movie to boldly go where no movie went before. A character said early on something to the jist of "Aren't we supposed to be exploring?" That kind of summed up my issues with it at best. Plot issues and trekkie entitlement rage aside it was well acted and a big popcorn movie. An alien race that appears early on left me wanting more of them. Don't bother with 3D though, it was post production 3D and doesn't add enough.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf

Grade: B
I had to spend some time trying to figure out how I felt about this. Star Trek was my childhood WAY more than Star Wars, and JJ Abrahms went on The Daily Show to say he wasn't a fan initially and wanted to make a Trek movie "for the rest of us" because the original was too "smart". That's what this is. It's the Kirk and Spock show with great action scenes. Kirk, Spock, and Sherlock are great. I enjoyed myself, but overall it rubbed me the wrong way. New fans will love it way more than old fans.

Grade: B+
I didn't expect much. It's easier to deal with bad movies that way. But i enjoyed it. It was good, and only once did i feel like the movie was dragging a little. And okay, one of the the fanservice moments (you know the scene) was a bit much, but i actually really had fun watching this, and that's what's important. (Also the girl at the ticket counter loved my Pokemon shirt. Score one for huge nerds.) P.S. Now i want to see Abrams do a Mass Effect movie. Or three.

Grade: A
I've seen it 3 times! LOVE THE MOVIE! Was a little miffed that they had to call up Spock Prime to get info. Also, it's hard to compare it to the last movie as this new installment is a bit more dramatic and works to develop characters. There's also less lens flair!

Grade: A-
I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I expected to, because I'm a fan of the original timeline's treatment of similar elements, and despite my enjoyment of the first Abramsverse Trek, there were glaring plot holes that nagged me throughout (red matter, anyone?). Not so this time around. Yeah, a couple minor nitpicks here and there, but the homages didn't bother me at all, and now they have removed the need to cover this stuff in the future. The intro is done; the canvas is now wide open!

Grade: C+
I went in thinking I was going to love this movie despite all the detractors, but aside from a few good performances/effects, the movie was mostly mediocre and the plot was all over the map. I loved the first entry into the rebooted universe, but they didn't bring anything new or interesting to the table this time around. Hoping the next movie really does go out and do something new. The ending made me hopeful it will. It's still watchable and has its moments, but I found it lacking overall.

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5/13/2013 4:56 AM

1 0

Good review, I plan on seeing the movie this Saturday, Looking forward to it. :)
5/17/2013 9:56 AM

1 0

Will probably be seeing this in 2D this weekend. From the few non-spoilery things I've heard, it sounds like it pisses off fans more than the first movie did, which I didn't think was possible.

I still liked the first film because I love the original series, and I didn't mind the changes after all this time, but my wife was just so-so on it. She did mention however that if they start involving TNG stuff and messing with that too, then she will hate it forever.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
5/17/2013 1:15 PM

2 0

TNG is safe with this one so far
5/18/2013 2:32 PM

1 0

I saw Star Trek into Darkness today in 3D, I really enjoyed it and thought it was better then the 1st movie.

I'm Looking forward to the 3rd one no matter who is directing it.
9/16/2013 1:09 PM

0 0

Despite my dislike for some of the story elements of the film, I do want to give major praise to the depiction of San Francisco in the future. I loved that I could recognize things like the Yerba Buena Gardens and Market Street. Big props to the production design on getting the details right and making a city from the future look just as recognizable as it is today.

Also liked some of the classic Trek elements such as Kirk and crew violating the prime directive for the greater good or two disabled ships hanging there in space after a battle. Like I said, I am confident that if they do their own thing, these movies can be much better, but if they just keep trying to reinvent stories from the past, and not be able to top them, then they are going to fail.
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