Star Trek: Discovery 1.05: Choose Your Pain
Gretchen J. Berg, Aaron Harberts, and Kemp Powers
Lee Rose
When Star
Trek Discovery was announced to have Harry Mudd as a guest character, I
inwardly groaned. While Mudd certainly
has his fans, I wouldn’t count myself among them. Especially in this day and age, his usual
modus operandi is a bit sexist, and the eye candy can only delay my endless
eye-rolling so long. Thankfully, that
wasn’t the version of Mudd we saw in this episode; this version alludes to
those other activities while focusing entirely on his self-interest.
That turns out to be an interesting
counterpoint of sorts to the action back on Discovery. When Captain Lorca is captured by Klingons,
the crew races to find a way to retrieve him.
Using the spore drive is the best option, of course, but the current use
of the tardigrade as the living core of the machine (cue flashbacks to elements
of Babylon 5) means it suffers
horribly and is, in fact, dying as a result.
Burnham continues to argue and act on behalf of the creature’s welfare,
while Saru takes a very self-interested approach that amounts to “the ends justify
the means”, a position of which Lorca would no doubt be proud.
This conflict occasionally seems forced, as one
immediately thinks of ways that a less contentious crew (say, that of any
version of the Enterprise) could come
to a compromise solution. It occurred to
me more than once that Saru’s concerns about his leadership style, or at least
improving it, never quite came to fruition.
I would have been interested in the computer’s assessment of his
choices. But to be honest, the same is
true of Burnham in this situation.
Despite her knowledge of Saru’s psychology and experience with him
personally, she doesn’t seem to have the grasp of how to interact with him that
her favored status in her previous posting would suggest.
Lorca’s capture features one prominent item:
the loss of the medicine he uses for his eye condition. One would then expect this to be something of
an important plot point. At the very
least, shouldn’t Lorca’s discomfort and pain from the lack of medication factor
into the equation somehow. And yet,
while nearly everything else about Lorca’s experience with the Klingons is
engaging and even fascinating, I couldn’t overlook the fact that the apparent
foreshadowing came to practically nothing.
We learn a bit more about Lorca’s past and why
he’s so hellbent on defeating the Klingons, and while it’s a standard vengeance
story in the end, it actually makes sense and echoes some of what the various
writers of the Trek films for the
original series wanted to do with Kirk.
Not to mention that there are tons of examples in the original series of
captains and other authority figures dealing with experiences in their pasts
that lead to horrific decisions. For
that matter, it’s a key plot point in Star
Trek Beyond, with largely the same context; Mudd, in fact, points out that
the Federation’s expansionist policies meant that a power like the Klingons
would “push back” eventually.
What makes this episode shine is the focus on
supporting characters. This was a great
means to explore the ethics and personality of Stamets, for example, and the
added grace note of revealing his relationship with Dr. Culber in such a
matter-of-fact fashion was Trek at
its best. Arguably, the best way to
demonstrate that same-sex relationships are perfectly normal is to treat them
without fanfare, as one would treat a typical heteronormative relationship.
The main issue with Star Trek: Discovery is not its darkness or set of internal conflicts. It’s more that it feels like the writers aren’t owning it, but rather, aping what has been deemed successful use of “grimdark” elements in the past. Others have invoked comparisons to Battlestar Galactica, and that’s easy to understand. The series has plenty of ways it could organically inject the darker side of its universe, but right now, it feels like the writers are still trying to find the right balance to strike in doing so.
- The writers manage to take one of my least favorite TOS guest characters and made him palatable
- The methods used by the Klingons makes sense given their culture
- Too often, the darker elements feel forced vs. organic in nature