Star Trek: Discovery 1.06: Lethe
Joe Menosky and Ted Sullivan
Douglas Aarniokoski
One of the character beats that remained rather
hard to fathom thus far has been Burnham’s relationship to Sarek. While it is explained for the most part in
the series premiere, there are still a number of open questions regarding the
depth of the relationship between “father” and “daughter”. Not to mention, of course, the relationship
therefore to Spock, which is given a bit more indirect explanation in this
I continue to feel as though this might have
been better off as a post-Voyager
series, free of certain connections to continuity that only seem to muddy the
waters unnecessarily. But dwelling on
that at this stage is hardly worth the effort; novels and other ancillary
materials will serve to smooth over the edges as best as possible. With so much going a bit wrong in terms of
Lorca and the overall mission of the Discovery,
it’s not necessarily difficult to see that this might be some future era’s
representation of the conspiracy theory or tall tale about a vessel upon which
the ideals of Starfleet and the Federation itself were tested.
With Sarek and his relationship to Burnham
taking center stage, one of the true weaknesses of the new series is fully
exposed. I’ve had my concerns with Sarek’s
characterization previously, but the problems with casting are manifest
throughout the episode. James Frain has
been quite good in so many other roles throughout genre television, but he
simply cannot stop from emoting like crazy as Sarek. And given the legacy of Mark Lenard and Vulcan
logic, his rather open smiles and clear emotions written on his face are
antithetical to what Sarek would do in these situations.
Had Burnham’s Vulcan “father” been a less
prominent character from Trek lore, perhaps even a highly ranked aide to Sarek
or something similar, perhaps it would have worked better. But Sarek is a character with actual
expectations attached to the name. It’s
a case of subtraction through addition, not unlike the unnecessary detail of
having Sybok be Spock’s half-brother in The
Final Frontier. It’s just not
necessary when there are more intriguing ways to forge connections between
characters, even entirely new ones, without making them long-lost relatives of
some kind.
At least the situation with Sarek provides Burnham
with some perspective on her youth and career, and perhaps allows her to accept
her current circumstance and fellow crew members with a bit more grace. Certainly she stops trying to remake Tilly in
her own image, and there’s even something of a spark between her and Ash that
could be very interesting in the future.
Both of them are crew members that have, essentially, been drafted onto
Lorca’s crew under strange and unusual circumstances.
And it’s about time that someone really took a
close look at what is going on in Lorca’s head.
Instead of humanizing him, as one is somewhat programmed to expect by
television dramas over the decades, sleeping with Admiral Cornwell turns into
something a bit darker. Frankly, there’s
no surprise that Lorca is out of his mind, as he’s been giving off massive
signals to that effect since his introduction.
A part of me wondered if Lorca himself might have set up Cornwell to be
taken hostage; thankfully, the writers haven’t made him that crazy quite yet.
I want to like Star Trek Discovery; I think there is a lot of potential still left untapped in the story and in the characters. But it feels like the writers are trying so hard to diverge from the traditional Trek mold that they are defining themselves more by what they are not than by what they actually are. That’s a dangerous space to be operating within, and the writers haven’t quite found the sweet spot within that tension.
- It’s good to get more clarity on the Burnham/Sarek connection
- Lorca’s insanity may be predictable, but it’s actually compelling to watch
- I don’t remember Sarek smiling and wincing quite so blatantly before