Star Wars Rebels 3.04: The Antilles Extraction
Gary Whitta
Saul Ruiz
As one would expect, the writers are spending a
bit of time early in the season exploring the impact of the current status quo
on individual characters. What is
surprising is that it doesn’t really work when it comes to Sabine, a character
that has found herself in very much of a supporting role of late. It’s the connections to the overall mythology
of the New Canon that serve as the attraction here, not the colorful
Part of the problem is saddling an episode
meant to focus on Sabine with a subplot that puts the spotlight once again on
Ezra. We get it, Ezra is the main
character, and his current journey is at the heart of everything that
represents the Star Wars universe
during this period in the timeline. But
Ezra gets top billing aplenty, so letting Sabine get some much needed time for
development would have been a better use of time.
This was a good setup for that, of course,
since Sabine was once an Imperial cadet, and how better to peel back the layers
of her past? Sadly it’s all very
familiar territory, and mostly exists as a means to an end: introducing Wedge
Antilles and getting him out of the Empire’s hands and into the Rebellion. Thus the plot has a workmanlike quality that
could and should have been more personal.
Nothing in the resolution of the problem at hand requires Sabine’s
involvement. At the very least, how
about a comment on her artistic side?
And then there’s Wedge. For someone with such a storied place as a
supporting character to the main cast, Wedge is awfully devoid of
personality. If anything, he comes
across as a proto-Poe Dameron, which is a bit insulting considering that Wedge
goes back to the original film in the whole franchise. For someone facing a paradigm shift in his
entire worldview, he seems awfully bland.
If there is a saving grace to the episode, it’s
the fight between Governor Pryce and Sabine.
It’s very different from the often interchangeable Jedi combat
sequences, and it gets personal. There’s
also Agent Kallus, who could very well be on a long trek towards
redemption. It’s also worth noting that
this episode was written by one of the screenwriters responsible for Rogue One, and oddly enough, the main
character of that film seems to act more like Sabine than Sabine does in this
- The fight between Pryce and Sabine
- Some nice ties to the overall New Canon mythology
- Sabine’s personality is almost entirely lost in a workmanlike plot
- Wedge has practically no personality at all