Star Wars Rebels 3.11: Voices and Visions
Brent Friedman
Bosco Ng
After letting it sit fallow for much of the
season, the writers finally get back to the shared vision that Ezra and Darth
Maul experienced within the holocrons.
As one would expect, Maul continues to play on Ezra’s internal conflicts
to achieve some unknown agenda, but Ezra also needs some answers. In the process, we learn more about the
unusual dependency that has developed between Ezra and Maul over the course of
the series.
While Maul has turned out to be less compelling
as a villain than we might have hoped, especially with Thrawn in the mix, he
can be used effectively. And this
episode ramps up the creepy factor, which is more helpful than one might
imagine. This is aided by a side effect
of the holocron ritual from earlier in the season; apparently, Ezra and Maul
both wound up with pieces of each other’s memories. One might wonder why this hadn’t been seen
earlier in the season, of course.
With Maul to carry the heavy lifting of Sith
self-interest, Ezra seems to gravitate more towards protecting his friends and “family”
than the power that Maul offers. That
seems a bit odd, given that this season is supposed to be exploring Ezra’s
struggles with the dark side, and this is far enough into the season that he
ought to be struggling more than ever.
Instead, Ezra looks like he’s firmly on the side of the Jedi again. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but if he
whips back in the other direction again in upcoming episodes, it will give his
progression a disjointed and ill-planned feel.
The eeriness slips a bit as well in the second
half. Instead of capitalizing on the
early creepiness of the memory overlapping and Maul’s secretive motivations,
the possession of Kanan and Sabine by the spirits of the Nightsisters lacks a
certain subtlety. The visuals are all
neatly consistent with previous encounters with the Nightsister spirits, but
this is a far cry from what was seen when Ahsoka was turning to the dark side
under their influence.
It looks like those hints about “twin suns” earlier in the season were, as many believed, pointing to Obi-Wan. This would make sense, given Maul’s obsession with him. Thankfully, Maul’s reaction skews more towards simmering madness, which is the way it needed to go. Maul seems very sincere when he refers to Ezra as a “brother”, and that’s just one facet of his twisted perspective. For those reasons, it might have been interesting to have Ezra agree to continue working with Maul more closely, but that probably would have been a step too far from the writers’ point of view.
- There was a very creepy tone to this episode that added a lot to the overall effort
- It’s about time this subplot was brought back into the limelight!
- Ezra’s descent seems to have reversed itself all of a sudden, which is a bit jarring