Supergirl 1.18: World’s Finest
Andrew Kreisberg, Michael Grassi, and Greg Berlanti
Nick Gomez
After experiencing the relentlessly dour,
grim, and downright depressing big screen meeting between Batman and Superman
this past weekend in Batman v Superman:
Dawn of Justice, this hour of Supergirl
felt like the perfect antidote coming at just the right time. That mentality
speaks to how this show along with The
Flash on the CW Network is fundamentally built: fun, light, and optimistic.
Supergirl is especially driven by
this overall tone, while The Flash
has been recently wading into darker territory with its second season.
That's not the
point. Looking at only what happens in this show, it pulls off the
heavily-hyped, much-anticipated crossover event with amazing ease. Sure, the
story could have easily been a one-off type of endeavor, but it nicely folds in
what's been happening in National City recently. Effectively, Supergirl is
still reeling from the reign of terror she briefly brought upon the citizenry
due to the effects of the red Kryptonite from "Falling." Nothing she
has done to try and rehabilitate her image as god-like alien gone rogue has
been able to stop people from fearing her. Then her rival Siobhan directs her
high-pitched screams at her, causing her to nearly fall to her death.
So she's not
in the best of places mentally when Barry "The Flash" Allen shows up
literally out of nowhere to save her from falling out of the CatCo building.
They both don't immediately cower in fear at the sight of each other. Kara
doesn't think of Barry as another potential villain, or freak out that he's
from another universe, and Barry doesn't seem fazed at all by the fact that
she's an alien with the superpowers of strength, speed, and flight. Indeed,
that's part of what makes this whole enterprise so much fun. It's like all of
the characters in this episode are in on the joke, and what makes it all so
funny. The reality is that something like this should be impossible to do in
this age of television. Having a character from another show on a different
network appear while both shows are running concurrently? It's too delightful a
prospect to even believe.
That sense of
delight and joy permeates the entire episode, or specifically the parts that
have to do with Barry and Kara interacting. Why is Barry wearing a tachyon
device? It'll be concretely explored on his own show, but here, it's explained
in a succinct and sensible manner: He's working on becoming faster, which ties
into the season-long narrative that has been going on inThe Flash. He goes
so fast that he accidentally ends up on another Earth. All of the scenes with
Barry and Kara flow effortlessly, even when Kara introduces Barry to her world
at CatCo. Of course Winn would want to be Barry's best friend. James would
totally be jealous of Kara's geeking out over Barry (her giddy reaction to
Barry getting her ice cream is perfect, encapsulating why Melissa Benoist has
nailed the role of Kara Danvers/Supergirl). And Cat would see the Flash as
another opportunity to get a news story out of powered individuals constantly
invading National City.
I particularly
liked her meta reference to everyone looking like the cast out of a CW show,
and her brutal takedown of Barry's suggestion that the new hero in town be
named the Flash, which does sound like a guy who exposes himself to others.
When the characters all enjoy this kind of thing, they're inviting the audience
to enjoy it too. Yes, some of it is corny, but it's so likable that the corny
factor becomes an afterthought. Barry is able to give Kara advice without it
feeling like he's taking over her world. He can relate to some of the things
she is going through, from the public turning against heroes, to having
unresolved feelings for an unrequited crush, and so all of their conversations
feel genuine instead of forced.
The weaker
aspects of the episode entirely lie with the villains. Where there is a team up
of superheroes, there also has to be a team up of villains to match them. The
latter is not as brilliantly executed as the former. Livewire comes back into
the picture after being locked away in the DEO prison for fourteen episodes.
She's recruited to take on Supergirl by a transformed Siobhan, who now fully
embraces her screaming power and becomes (a rather goofy-looking) Silver
Banshee. Their motives are little more than wanting to eliminate Supergirl so
that Siobhan can finally get her revenge on Kara so it's hard to really be as
invested as the continued interactions between the Flash and Supergirl. I would
totally be happy if the episode just focused on the two crossover heroes rather
than shoehorning the villains.
It's necessary
only to demonstrate the fact that Supergirl has only been about protecting the
people of National City from danger. That goes to the core of what the
Superman, and by familial association Supergirl, mythos is about: Keeping
humanity from being harmed by alien species out to destroy them. That is
literally shown here, at the point in the faceoff between heroes and villains
where Kara takes on Livewire's lightning so that a helicopter doesn't fall to
the ground and potentially kill scores of innocent bystanders. She shows the
people of National City that she is willing to sacrifice herself -- to die even
-- so that no one will be harmed. That earns her the protection of the people
along with a saving assist from the same firefighters that she saved before
being infected by the red Kryptonite in "Falling."
The episode is able to get in most of the show's general themes, advance the story somewhat (that final bit about Myriad and turning the populace into mindless, speechless drones begs for more explanation), and wraps up every remaining story thread with a neat little bow. We get to see an actual foot race between the Flash and Supergirl, which results in her literally throwing Barry back into his own universe. What a capper to a stupendous episode. It was well worth the wait, and very much lived up to the hype.
- This cross-network crossover is pulled off seamlessly
- The episode actually progresses Kara’s storyline vs. being a mere sideshow
- The villains were a bit shoehorned into the story