Supergirl 1.20: Better Angels
Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler, Robert Rovner, and Jessica Queller
Larry Teng
It's a bit sad that Supergirl has yet to be
renewed for a second season, but judging by this episode, and the fact that the
show improved so much over the course of the season, it certainly deserves a
sophomore season. “Better Angels” was the perfect blend of humor, action and
romance, skillfully weaving together all the elements that make this superhero
adventure story so charming and lovable.
There was the
requisite amount of cheesiness (I've gotten used to that since the pilot) but Supergirl is supposed to be an uplifting
and inspiring show. It's not supposed to be dark, gritty or depressing, and “Better
Angels” perfectly encapsulated that by allowing Supergirl to be a beacon of
hope to the entire world (through Cat's ancient technology). A case could
definitely be made that Myriad was dealt with far too easily, and a case could
definitely be made that there was no suspense with Kara bidding everyone
goodbye (she is the lead after all), but it all culminated beautifully in those
final twenty minutes.
Naturally, I'm
talking about the badass faceoff that had Kara and J'onn finally go up against
Non and Indigo. Not only was the CGI the best it's ever been (blockbuster
quality), but it was wonderfully satisfying to see Kara scream her heart out
and burn Non's eyes out, not to mention the sight of Martian Manhunter brutally
ripping Indigo in half. And just as the action quotient was filled, the show
began tugging at our heartstrings as Kara flew Fort Rozz out of earth in a most
triumphant sequence punctuated by an impeccably affecting musical score. In fact, one of the most spectacular
sequences the show's ever done is Kara floating aimlessly in space.
I'd be remiss
if I didn't mention Supergirl's secret weapon and its most powerful
relationship. Well it's actually a tie between Kara and Cat, and Kara and Alex.
The show has completely thrived in its depiction of two complicated female
relationships that have nothing to do with the men in their lives. I completely
buy Cat's growing admiration of Kara (I do wonder if she knows who she really
is), and the unbreakable bond between the two Danvers sisters. It's not the
romantic relationships that make this show, and that's just so refreshing.
But the
greatest thing about Supergirl is its
heart. That emotion is all thanks to Melissa Benoist, who is just so astounding in every way. She
got me all teary eyed when she opened James' gift, she made me laugh when she
complained that she was squinting, and she gave me goosebumps as she carried
Fort Rozz out of our planet. I can't remember the last time a lead was this
perfect for a show.
- The female relationships are top-notch
- The musical score for this episode was one of the best efforts in quite some time
- The Superman material was admittedly a bit lame, especially those red boots