Supergirl Review by Nadim S.

Supergirl 2.02: The Last Children of Krypton

Supergirl 2.02: The Last Children of Krypton

Written By:
Robert Rovner and Caitlin Parrish
Directed By:
Glen Winter

After promising to stick around for a while, it was extremely frustrating to hear Clark announce his return to Metropolis in this episode. Nevertheless, Superman's inclusion in this hour helped make “The Last Children of Krypton” one of Supergirl's finest hours yet. 



It definitely feels like the CW is setting up Tyler Hoechlin for his very own Superman spinoff, and there's no doubt that would be a pretty clever decision. The guy just exudes charisma and likability, and watching him bounce off Kara was a true delight. Amidst all the action, the show still managed to be pretty insightful while exploring the complicated dynamic between Kara, Clark and even Alex. I was especially intrigued by the fact that the writers let Alex basically badmouth Clark for leaving Kara; it's a complex dynamic, and the show wisely doesn't take sides while exploring it.


But let's discuss all that action. It's true that Supergirl moved from a big budget network (CBS) to a lower-rated one (The CW) this season, but judging by the blockbuster set pieces, you could never tell! The various fight scenes were packed with powerful intensity and some terrific camerawork. The editing in particular did a magnificent job of bringing it all together (check out the seamlessness of the dual four-way fight in the episode's climax). This was seriously more enjoyable than Batman v Superman's CGI-infused mess.



And then there's Cat Grant's departure. It's not secret that Calista Flockhart decided to leave Supergirl after the production move to Vancouver, but it was still mightily heartbreaking to bid the character goodbye. On the bright side, we got what was probably the most emotionally-charged scene the show's ever done. Everything about the chemistry between Melissa and Calista is utterly perfect, and I genuinely found myself getting teary eyed as the two lovingly embraced after everything they'd been through. Here's hoping Cat returns soon rather than later, because the show is all the better when she's around.


Also promising is Cat's replacement in the form of Cougar Town's Ian Gomez. This man was utterly astounding on ABC's underrated comedic gem, so I have high hopes he'll be equally hysterical here. His whole tough-boss shtick might be a bit cliche, but I have faith in Gomez's comedic abilities, not to mention Melissa Benoist, who can pull so much off without uttering a word. Fingers crossed!


Our Grade:
The Good:
  • The action sequences are still top-notch
  • The character work for Kara, Clark, and Alex is very well done
The Bad:
  • Cat’s departure will be keenly felt, even with a capable replacement in the wings

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Supergirl by - 10/21/2016 10:16 AM435 views

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