Supergirl Review by Nadim S.

Supergirl 2.06: Changing

Supergirl 2.06: Changing

Written By:
Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Caitlin Parrish
Directed By:
Larry Teng

How can a storyline be both uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time? Supergirl's writers must be commended for handling Alex's coming out with so much nuance and care. Everything about her revealing the truth to Kara was beautiful, but the ending was suitably gut-wrenching as Alex sobbed by her sister (after Maggie somewhat rejected her). There's a whole lot of truth and gravitas in Chyler Leigh's performance, and she's been absolutely knocking this storyline out of the park.   



The hilarious adventures of Kara and Mon-El continued this week with a bloodpumping training montage and some drunken escapades. Even Mon-El finally stepping up as a hero felt earned, and Chris Wood has more than proved himself as a standout addition to the cast. Plus his kidnapping at the hands of Cadmus should really provide the season's arc with a whole lot of momentum and urgency.


A case could be made that James' superhero journey was immensely rushed, but can you really fault the writers for finally making us give a damn about Jimmy? The character's never had a worthwhile storyline, so I definitely encourage what they've done so far. Plus, it gives us his heartwarming dynamic with Winn, who continues to fire on all cylinders this season.  



It might not have been as witty as most episodes, but this was still a highly enjoyable hour of Supergirl with one heck of a performance by Chyler Leigh.  Some other thoughts: Very touching moment with Kara apologizing to Alex for not creating space for her to come to terms with her true feelings.  I can't decide if the CGI used to bring Parasite to life was effective or painfully cheap; maybe a little bit of both?


Our Grade:
The Good:
  • The treatment of Alex’s ongoing journey of discovery of her sexuality is extremely well done
  • Guardian makes a solid debut
The Bad:
  • The effects used for Parasite were occasionally dodgy

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Supergirl by - 11/17/2016 1:00 PM458 views

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