The Bobby Blackwolf Show

342 - 06/24/12 Bobby Blackwolf Show - Interview with Vince Twelve, Developer of Resonance

We have a LIVE interview with Vince Twelve of xii games, developer of the newly released PC adventure title Resonance. We talk about designing an indie game as a hobby, the adventure game genre, the steps to creating the puzzles, and how he was able to get the narrator from Bastion to do voiceover work as one of the playable characters. Bobby gave the game an A over at the VOG Network, so you should definitely try the free demo and then buy it for just $10!

Then, we take calls and talk more organically about the new Nintendo 3DS XL, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, and Civilization V: Gods and Kings.

Download the MP3! - 20MB, 55 minutes 38 seconds

Podcast by - 6/25/2012 1:53 PM607 views


6/25/2012 4:55 PM

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it was a good show and a great interview.
6/25/2012 5:55 PM

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Yeah, the interview was great.
It was good listen how much work went into the game.

I'll definitely give a try.

As for the 3DS redesign, like I said, I really don't see why I should get the XL if I can get the same stuff for cheaper with the regular. But if the XL is better for some people then I won't oppose to that.
6/25/2012 7:47 PM

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Bobby, you mentioned that Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is something that caught your eye. Do you think you're going to end up buying it, or is it not worth the investment?
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
6/26/2012 5:34 AM

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I will probably end up getting it - the only real question I have is about camera control in a hectic bossfight situation, and that may be solved by actually playing from the beginning of the game, rather than where the demo plops you in. I feel that there's a lot of learning that's missed in the demo, which gives the basic tutorial and then puts you into a portion of the game maybe a few hours in.

If you already have a 3DS, you should at least check out the demo.
6/28/2012 5:48 PM

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Alright, Bobby. I just downloaded and played through the demo, and here are my impressions:

Honestly, I was surprised. I didn't expect this game to look that great after playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep on the PSP, but boy was I wrong! The colors are very pleasing to the eye, and it really all blends smoothly. I was also happy with what I heard of the music. It's not all recycled like it was for the DS 358/2 Days game, and appears to be new recordings (minus the instrumental "Simple And Clean" intro to the full game).

As for the battle system, I think it's fairly straight forward and a lot of fun, and I really appreciate how this game seems to be making more use of the environment to use at your advantage in battle, like grinding on the railings into a diving attack. As for the camera, I agree with you that it could benefit from having a second thumb stick, but using L and R to turn it is bearable.

Overall, I like what I played. I don't think I can miss out on this title.
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