The Bobby Blackwolf Show

358 - 10/21/12 Bobby Blackwolf Show - Interview with Marc Mencher, Co-founder and CEO of

  • This week we have a LIVE interview with Marc Mencher, Co-founder and CEO of and a game industry veteran. In this very motivational conversation, Marc talks all about what you REALLY need to do to get noticed in your job search, how to nail the interview, AND how to keep your job once your game is released. His advice is for everybody, even if his personal services aren't, and you'll end the interview turning your resume into the older Word DOC format.
  • The music break is once again from Professor Shyguy's debut album Geekotica - Chromonyms.
  • Then we take calls about what games we're playing and looking forward to.

Download the MP3! - 21MB, 1 hour 10 seconds

Podcast by - 10/24/2012 7:09 PM916 views


10/25/2012 11:13 AM

3 0

Quite possibly one of the best interviews that you could have scored. That guy knows what he's talking about, and I'd love to hear how many VOGers land a job following his advice...
10/24/2012 7:32 PM

0 0

This was a great episode. Anyone wanting to get into the Gaming Industry needs to listen to this interview.
10/26/2012 1:23 PM

0 0

Yeah, that guy really knew his stuff, although I must be a lazy job searcher because I've gotten almost all my jobs from postings. Heck, I'm on my current career path thanks to a craigslist posting for a temp job that turned into an awesome full-time/permanent job doing what I love.
10/28/2012 9:46 AM

1 0

speaking of temp stuff-- i actually landed in my current job thanks to a temp agency. i was only supposed to be at my company 30 days and it turned into what's coming up on 11 years.

to be fair though, i wasn't searching for a job in any particular industry. 11 years ago i had no idea i wanted to be a corporate trainer, i just wanted to pay the rent. i just focused on doing a great job when i got there so they wouldn't want to let me go and i was successful in that :} /ego
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