The Flash Review by Henry Tran

The Flash 1.04: Going Rogue

The Flash 1.04: Going Rogue

Written By:
Geoff Johns and Kai Wu Yu
Directed By:
Glen Winter

The much-hyped Arrow/The Flash crossover event unexpectedly complicates things for the fastest man alive. And I'm not sure how those behind the scenes of this show are going to handle that going forward. Felicity Smoak left Starling City and Team Arrow to spend some time with Barry, and since they have had some history together onscreen, there's an ease about their interactions that isn't present with any of the other characters. Even with the love interest that Barry still pines for (and has a larger history with).

Iris West is this show's only glaring issue right now. There are other things that are holding it back from greatness, but they're nitpicky ones compared to the albatross that Iris represents. It's still early yet, but that can't be used as an excuse for much longer. Steady improvement is needed, and at a much quicker pace too.

It's amazing what casting can do to enhance a certain character. It wasn't all that clear at first due to his being hidden during the opening armored car robbery, but the reveal of Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold, was a cheer-worthy moment in the episode. Setting aside the silly name (who rightly gets mocked by both Barry and Joe West), Miller provides an actual presence that has been lacking with the meta-humans that have shown up so far. Part of that is because Snart isn't a meta-human, but rather a very smart thief who gets access to a STAR Labs "cold gun" designed by Cisco. His intelligence is the other part of that equation. When in combat with the Flash, he deciphers the weakness and exploits it at first opportunity.

I like that the series and writers think through on how to beat the other person. Each side is probing for weaknesses and ways to play to their strengths. The cold gun draws Cisco into the story, shaming him for both creating the gun in the first place and then allowing for it to be used on Barry. The train rescue is the first time both Caitlin and Cisco don't explicitly tell Barry how to defeat the villain in the field so there's that advancement. Cisco eventually saves Barry at the last moment, which felt like a rushed plot development, but in keeping with the friendly vibe between the two of them. The writers could have let that conflict stew for a bit. Captain Cold is apparently a long-time villain of the Flash, and Miller is another prominent guest star, so it's a good thing that he'll stick around for more. He's also gotten an ally in Heat Wave during the episode's tag so that should be something interesting to look for in the future.

On the personal side of things, it's a mixed bag for Barry. It's not immediately apparent that Felicity comes to Central City not only to get away from Oliver Queen and Team Arrow (she wasn't needed to get Thea Queen in Corto Maltese anyway), but rather to create some sparks with a friend. She obviously likes Barry, is comfortable with Barry even as he still pines for Iris right in front of her, and have many of the same interests and superhero friends. The pair make for a great match.

It makes the way Barry acts when he's around Iris stand out even more. From a story standpoint, it makes sense that Iris would view Barry as more of a sibling than a love interest. The writers are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole here. Iris' relationship with Detective Pretty Boy is bland and her pushing Barry towards Felicity only compounds their misfitting as a potential couple.

Barry's pining for Iris looks even worse when Felicity clearly likes him. When she shows up at the trivia game in that dress, it's as if sirens should go off whenever they're together. It's rectified a bit with the kiss at the end, but that also calls attention to a bigger problem. Emily Bett Rickards is a regular cast member of another show. It doesn't seem feasible to rip Felicity away from Arrow on a regular basis just to come over to Central City and exchange witty repartee with the Flash. 

Once the show is established, it might then be possible for Felicity to make an appearance or two. This can't be a regular thing, and that means Barry will continue the torturous process of silently pining for a character that he has little romantic chemistry with. That has the very real potential of dragging the show down. I think the writers can find a way around the problem, although the solution is not all that clear at the moment.

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold
The Bad:
  • Iris West is a character in serious need of reformation

Henry Tran is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @HenYay

The Flash by - 10/30/2014 12:08 PM117 views

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