Scientist Barry Allen acquires super speed through a freak accident and becomes known as the Fastest Man Alive in this adaptation of the DC Comics character.
Barry realizes the effects from Flashpoint are much greater than he thought. Meanwhile, Barry meets new co-worker Julian Albert and is surprised by Julian's immediate disdain for Barry.
Season 3 begins with Barry living his dream life and no longer having to be the one saving the city now that Kid Flash has taken over that duty. But soon disaster strikes and Barry must decide if he wants to continue to live in an alternate universe or return to his life as the Flash.
After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary's Earth-2 doppelgänger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help the Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe; and Iris and Henry become concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.
Barry and the team head out for a night on the town only to encounter an unexpected speedster who is up to no good. Meanwhile, Iris is challenged by an assignment from her new boss and is surprised when friction turns to flirtation.
On Earth-2, the team races to find Zoom's lair and seeks help from the most unexpected source. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Caitlin rushes to perfect Velocity-9 so Jay can stop the Geomancer.
Barry, Wells and Cisco travel to Earth-2 to rescue Wells' daughter from Zoom, and encounter Killer Frost and Deathstorm. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jay takes over the Flash's duties when a meta-human nicknamed Geomancer attacks Central City.
Barry considers telling Patty that he is The Flash. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris try to get to know Wally; and the team hunts down a meta-human who can slow time itself.
Season 1 ends with Wells presenting Barry with a life-changing choice. Meanwhile, Dr. Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond return to help the S.T.A.R. Labs team for the final fight.
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