The Gifted Review by John Keegan

The Gifted 1.03: eXodus

The Gifted 1.03: eXodus

Written By:
Rashad Raisani
Directed By:
Scott Peters

This is the first installment not to be written by Matt Nix, so it may be a better indicator of the tone of the series going forward.  And things certainly slow down a bit, although there is a conscious attempt to keep mutant abilities and a bit of action at the forefront.  And one has to admit that the opening scene with Eclipse and Polaris was actually pretty sweet, and once again it’s very clear why anyone with a pulse would find Polaris compelling.



It’s worth noting that a lesser series might simply let the characters tell stories and leave it at that.  And most of the conversation is, sadly, telling rather than showing.  But Polaris’ explanation for her wardrobe choices not only add a touch of realism, but they illustrate that some thought is being put into the expression of the mutant powers, if not a strict detail on their nature and origin.


Polaris is still struggling in captivity, and the writers make sure that Blink isn’t a simple solution to the problem by still having her on the mend.  And when push comes to shove and the matter is forced, it’s just dangerous enough a proposition to communicate the group’s desperation.  I like the fact that the Mutant Underground isn’t a polished fighting force at all; they simply get by as best they can in a post-X-Men/Brotherhood world.



But a lot of the episode is basically a retread of the familiar experiences and challenges for the Strucker family.  Reed is the obvious example, as he continues to cope with the ramifications of turning in innocents for the sake of his family.  And the agents of Sentinel Services are not even trying to seem reasonable, as they continue to use personal tragedies as an excuse to persecute and harm.


Caitlin is also still one of the weak links of the series as she continues to be surprised at the extent and depth of anti-mutant sentiment in her community and even family. I find it hard to believe that she was ignorant of her husband’s associations and the life that feeding into elements of anti-mutant prejudice afforded her family.  I want her to wake up quickly because it’s hard to see any character played by Amy Acker act so dense.



The looming threat is one of narrative stasis; the parental Struckers constantly learning and re-learning the same lessons that will help them understand their mutant children better as they get to know the people helping them to navigate their new reality.  Instead of churning those same lessons, why not have them move on already and be more active in their own “evolution”?


Our Grade:
The Good:
  • The exploration of mutant powers on the television screen remains cinematic
The Bad:
  • The Struckers are starting to come across as a bit dense

John Keegan aka "criticalmyth", is one of the hosts of the "Critical Myth" podcast heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @criticalmyth

The Gifted by - 10/17/2017 6:10 PM372 views

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