The Good Wife Review by Henry Tran

The Good Wife 5.20: The Deep Web

The Good Wife 5.20: The Deep Web

Written By:
Luke Schelhaas and Erica Shelton Kodish
Directed By:
Brooke Kennedy

I think it's no real coincidence that this show has been in a bit of a rut since Will's death and its immediate aftermath. He wasn't necessarily the center of the show's plot dynamics (that will always be Alicia's role), but there seems to be an increasing feeling, at least by myself, that the show is becoming unmoored. Whether that's by Will's absence or a lack of a focused central narrative is uncertain.

Something just doesn't feel right. I can't quite figure out what it is exactly. "The Deep Web" ends abruptly, with Alicia unsure of what she's doing, and that's largely reflective of the state of mind of almost every character here. Alicia tells her mother that she's "spinning (out of control)." Of which she can legitimately use Will's death as a reason. Diane feels like she's under constant attack from Canning and David Lee, and she's unsure of what to do without Will by her side. 

Finn is slowly moving into the orbit of the central narrative, but this election storyline feels smaller than the ones the show has done in the past. That is probably because of his small presence in the season, coming on only within the past five episodes. The subplot remains largely unresolved because there isn't enough material to get to a satisfying resolution. It will probably be saved for the season finale.

There is a distinct lack of interest in the Case of the Week here. It's simply not compelling material. The show's obsession with digital media once again rears its ugly head with Diane representing a young computer expert who is implicated in some kind of internet black market. The whole arena doesn't feel all that realistic (Is there a place on the internet where someone can buy illicit goods like drugs or mercenaries who do murder for hire?) and so there is a lack of the usual high stakes. The client is ultimately proven to be untrustworthy as it stands so the big event is that Diane takes herself off the case.

She doesn't want to be associated with someone who would willingly commit perjury if the case were to somehow go to court. So what's really interesting is what happens around the case. Diane is largely concerned with Canning and David Lee plotting anything to oust her as sole senior partner. It's been established well beforehand that both those men aren't to be trusted so it's no surprise to me that Kalinda would reveal to Diane at the end that Canning is really dying and out to screw her. He's never been truly honest with her so what incentive would he have to be so selfless? Diane mostly looks tired of the games and manipulation, though.

Will liked that more than she did. I think that Will's death had the exact effect that we were all expecting: He was the shield that kept the wolves at bay while Diane could figure out the law side of things. Now that he's gone, she has no protection. It was never supposed to be this way. She was supposed to be a judge by now. That's been taken from her so her only option is to get out of the game altogether. I don't think that's in Diane's blood so it's a question as to where she will end up by the season's close.

The show decided to give Alicia the day off here. She doesn't know what to do with it, largely because she hasn't had a day off since she started working after Peter's incarceration. The show prides itself on being so busy and keeping its characters so busy that they can't catch their breath. So it feels almost like the show is stopping its own momentum. Alicia meets a man during jury duty selection. He seems perfectly nice and all (which is code on television for "boring") but she is clearly holding back. And she can't quite figure out why or what that is. I think it's because everyone can see that he isn't a long-term option for her. She knows it. He knows it. So she has to deny herself in the end.

Alicia is a woman with an incredibly complicated life, and that fact leaves her in an isolated position, unable to let most anyone in. Nothing is allowed to fully penetrate the icy exterior. She has largely rejected Peter. Will was the one person she passionately loved, and he's gone. She's going slowly with Finn. I like that the show isn't pushing the romantic pairing between the two of them. She gives him valuable advice on Diane's legal strategy here, and then leaves him to his own devices. She's obviously holding back there as well because he is the immediate reminder of how Will died. The question of whether they should even get together is allowed to be brought up. Only there's no clear answer to that question. Things are really muddled right now. They have only two episodes left to right the ship.

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • The effects of Will's death are still being felt
The Bad:
  • Show has been in a rut since Will's death
  • Alicia's day off is painful
  • Finn's election plot thread seems too small

Henry Tran is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @HenYay

The Good Wife by - 5/6/2014 6:33 AM405 views

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