The Originals 1.19: An Unblinking Deat
Ashley Lyle and Bart Nickerson
Kellie Cyrus
I’ll say this much for the unexpected
departure of Rebekah; it made just about everyone other than Klaus and Elijah
seem far less safe than they had before.
There was just enough doubt in my mind that I wasn’t sure if Cami would
survive. Quite frankly, I’m not sure she
should have; I think having Klaus’ “son” kill Cami would have further
underscored the rift between Klaus and Marcel.
Father Kieran’s hex-induced frenzy,
eventually fueled by an infusion of vampire blood and proto-vampire status,
made for some horrific moments. Kieran’s
status was so severe that options like electro-shock therapy and vampirism were
suddenly on the table. You know a guy is
willing to do anything when he bites off his own thumb to get out of shackles!
And while waiting to offer up the notion of
vampirism as a cure to the hex is oddly deferred until the critical moment, it
made a certain sense given Kieran and Cami’s view on the matter. Klaus put it best: it was nothing more than a
means to allow Cami and Kieran to have a proper parting. That it masked the depth of the hex, and very
nearly led to Cami’s death, was a shocking turn of events. As I said, the recent cast changes also made
me wonder if Cami would survive at all.
That’s hardly the only horrific aspect of the
episode. What used to be isolated
terrorist activities in hot spots around the world have become, justified or not,
an underlying concern in all of Western society. And that means that the calculated bombing of
the werewolf camp was very difficult to watch.
The sense of helplessness was palpable, and it brought out the nobility in
Elijah from the very start. That it
turned out to be the result of internal power struggles, rather than Marcel,
was equally surprising.
If anything, this episode was very good at
showing that the Mikaelsons, when they want to be, can be awfully generous
individuals. I prefer it when Klaus and
Elijah take the stance that they don’t have to be draconian, bloodthirsty
monsters. OK, usually that’s just Klaus,
but when he is civilized enough for Elijah to raise a toast in brotherly
rapport? That’s what I want to see more
of, not the Ever-Changing Moods of Klaus Mikaelson. A calculating vampire warlord is a lot more
interesting than an impulsive one.
- The sense of horror in this episode was striking
- I actually liked Klaus this time!
- Stakes might have been higher if Cami died