The Walking Dead Review by John Keegan

The Walking Dead 5.10: Them

The Walking Dead 5.10: Them

Written By:
Heather Bellson
Directed By:
Julius Ramsay

One of the biggest issues with Season 5 of The Walking Dead is the ridiculous amount of decompression in the storytelling.  It has taken ten episodes to get to the true introduction of Alexandria, and even then, we only see Aaron and have no inkling of what he represents, other than the potential light at the end of the tunnel.  Time was needed to eliminate Beth and Tyreese to bring the characters down to a manageable number that aligns with the source material better, but considering how fast the Terminus/Hunters arc was handled, this felt like forever.


Add to that the realization that this mostly an exercise in grieving those lost, while contemplating a bleak near-future, and it’s basically enough material for an extended montage stretched to an entire episode.  Does it effectively portray how strung-out and on the brink Team Grimes is at this point?  Of course it does.  Does it bring Team Grimes to a point where they have to choose between giving up and fighting one more day?  Without a doubt.  That also happens to be the underlying message of the entire post-Terminus run, though.  I suspect that the next episode will only make the point more evident.


If the Walkers could have been any more a metaphor for death itself, I can’t imagine it.  Death stalking them every step down the road.  Death creeping over one’s shoulder, regardless of the need to take a moment to grieve.  Death banging down the doors of the only refuge from the storm.  The writers ought to have a little more confidence in the audience by now.  We get it.  We’ve always gotten it.  The Walkers were never about the Walkers.


It would seem less damning if the montages at the beginning and end of the previous episode hadn’t covered roughly the same ground with a lot more visual flair.  This was spinning wheels in the very worst sense of the term.  It’s a damn good thing that Aaron’s arrival marks the beginning of a very new chapter for the series, because this episode makes it very clear that it is sorely needed.

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Aaron finally shows up; this will change everything
The Bad:
  • This entire episode could have been covered in a single act or less

John Keegan aka "criticalmyth", is one of the hosts of the "Critical Myth" podcast heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @criticalmyth

The Walking Dead by - 2/17/2015 8:01 AM113 views

Your Responses


Grade: C-
I really disliked the episode, though I do agree with the few high points you mentioned. I also give it bonus points for Rick working the series title into his big speech. But the way they overdid the God angle drove me nuts. The storm showing up to save the survivors (twice!), the stuff between Maggie and Gabriel, and of course the music box all had me rolling my eyes. Don't even get me started on Sasha being dumb. Can't wait for a change of scenery, which apparently sounds like is coming soon.

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