The Walking Dead 8.04: Some Guy
David Leslie Johnson
Dan Liu
This episode has a fairly tight focus on King
Ezekiel, which is mostly to the benefit early on, but slowly but surely starts
to reveal some of the weaknesses of the current storyline and its enormous
scope. I love character exploration as
much as the next Walking Dead fan,
since that’s one of the highlights of the franchise, but let’s face it: the
“All Out War” story arc has been riddled with odd decisions and a substantial
lack of clear scope and shape of the conflict.
It doesn’t help when events happen a bit out of order, either. (A problem that seems like it will continue
into the next installment as well.)
As I mentioned, there is a tight focus within
this episode, even if it underscores how often that hasn’t been the case. At the end of the previous installment, most
of the Kingdom forces were wiped out by the Saviors’ big guns, and this episode
is largely about Ezekiel’s struggle to survive while Carol (and eventually a
few others) try to take those big guns off the board. Naturally, there are more losses.
I suppose this will go a long way towards
explaining why Ezekiel, previously so intent on independence as an ally, will
ultimately concede to working more or less under Rick’s authority. Not that Rick hasn’t had this kind of major
loss in the past either, of course, but Ezekiel seems broken. This is everything that he wanted to avoid,
everything that his constant secret concessions to the Saviors was meant to
deflect. And on some level, perhaps he
also began buying into his own legend, and reality came along to smack him hard
in the face.
Oddly, Ezekiel’s plight (and the inclusion of
his surviving allies Carol and Jerry) is compelling enough that the sudden
inclusion of Rick and Daryl as action heroes is a bit jarring by
comparison. Not only that, but it also
comes across as a perfectly generic action sequence, complete with Rick and
Daryl managing to walk away from the entire situation with barely a
scratch. It gives them the victory of
eliminating the weapons, of course, which is important in the big picture (one
of the few times we get that sense of context), but it lacks the intimacy of
Ezekiel’s suffering.
Carol’s moves and countermoves, by comparison,
are a lot more interesting. Not only are
her actions important and pertinent to Ezekiel’s survival, but it highlights
how she is once again at the top of her game.
She may have had a very long (and tedious) internal journey for a couple
seasons, but that’s over now. This is
the Carol that took on Terminus, and she thinks her way through the crisis with
remarkable calm.
Fans of the source material knew that Shiva’s time was running out, and sure enough, the moment arrived despite the changes made with this adaptation. It’s a horrifying scene, and while everything truly terrible happens just off-screen, all one needs to see is the shock and pain on Ezekiel’s face for the point to be driven home. It’s not at all surprising when he can barely limp back to the Kingdom and walk past his followers without a word. If only the rest of “All Out War” was so focused.
- Ezekiel is one of the best characters right now, so focusing on him is a great idea
- Who else was hoping Shiva would escape the fate foretold in the source material?