Twin Peaks 3.12: The Return: Part XII
Mark Frost and David Lynch
David Lynch
We’ve now reached the end of the second act of Twin Peaks: The Return, and in keeping
with the defiance of expectations, there’s only the most oblique signs that the
narrative is approaching a resolution in the coming weeks. In fact, this episode spends a lot of time
with extended scenes that don’t seem to intersect with what we’ve been shown
hardly at all. It’s a bit frustrating,
but perhaps mitigated slightly by the sheer amount of time spent on the
denizens of Twin Peaks, signaling that the story is converging there.
One of the highlights comes early: the quick,
concise, and straightforward explanation from Albert regarding the Blue Rose
taskforce and its purpose. Sure enough,
this formally links Gordon, Albert, Dale Cooper, Chet Desmond, and Philip Jeffries
as a team dedicated to investigating the otherworldly truths behind what was
uncovered in Project Blue Book. And of
course, this intersects rather nicely with the mythology from the second
season, particularly the material with Major Briggs and Windom Earle. (It doesn’t quite fit with some of the things
Cooper found surprising in the first two seasons, but one can write that off as
the result of compartmentalization, and Gordon’s profound sense of
responsibility for Cooper makes a lot of sense in that context.)
I’m a bit less sold on the idea that Tammy has
been groomed for a place in the Blue Rose squad, or that she’s been monitored
from early in her life as a potential recruit.
One might interpret her unusual body language and speech patterns as an
outward expression of some unique quality in her thought processes, but she
still seems to possess a lot less gravitas than the young Dale Cooper.
The episode also has a lot to say about Diane,
adding to what is already suspected. For
example, she comes into the meeting through red curtains, and then echoes the
Man From Another Place (aka The Arm) by declaring “Let’s rock!” when deputized
into Blue Rose. It’s very clear that the
team is watching her closely, which makes it strange that they can’t think of
what they might not have asked her about yet.
There’s a laundry list at this point, and a lot of it pertains to the
Black Lodge and Dark Cooper.
It seems that Sarah Palmer is also having
visions again, or perhaps even visitations by those from the Lodge. She definitely seems to be tapping into the weirdness
that has been gaining ground in Twin Peaks in recent episodes, so her portents
add to the impression that things are going to get very bad. Of
course, we’ve spent so little time with the characters in Twin Peaks
until now that it’s hard to really attach any major stakes to the notion of
increased supernatural violence.
But a huge chunk of the episode is devoted to a
scene that seems completely disconnected from everything else we’ve seen in the
third season to date. Audrey Horne
finally shows up, and it’s an incredibly awkward scene, since we have no idea
who she’s going on about or why. Not
only that, but she’s apparently married (and seeking a divorce from) a guy that
is decidedly not the kind of man anyone would expect Audrey Horne to marry. The only thing it seems to underscore is that
Audrey might have been through something traumatic enough to set her on this
path, which points yet again to the theory that Dark Cooper raped her and
fathered Richard in the process. (Ben’s
story to Sheriff Truman adds even more evidence to the theory.)
Like the scene with Audrey, the extended
conversation at the Roadhouse involves characters we’ve never seen and probably
will never hear about again. And there’s
more of Jacoby’s Alex Jones impression and Nadine’s glowing praise of it. What’s the purpose? To make the town seem lived in, full of
familiar domestic and social troubles that are escalating as the fateful
confrontation draws near? Earlier in the
season it seemed likely that all of these seemingly random pieces would fit
together, but it’s getting hard to see how that might be. It’s becoming as elusive as the return of
Dale Cooper himself, and it’s understandable how that might be more and more
frustrating as these random scenes intersperse with the content we’re all
salivating to see.
- Everything pertaining to the Blue Rose mythology, which clears up a few things
- Albert’s “I’m just done” expression should become an internet meme
- Audrey’s return appearance is a disappointing exercise in tedious non-sequitur