Under Sedation Live!

USL Ep.6-42

USL declares it’s 50 years armistice with OLR to be over and state of war now exists. Jess gets physical more this week. Travis updates progress on his N7 Armor build. Doctor Who 50th anniversary actors signings and Brad Pitt tries to explain why “World War Z” has fast moving zombies. USL Netflix Picks of the Week-Summer Blockbusters we grew up with Edition Travis- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn Jess- Teen Wolf

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Podcast by - 4/1/2013 2:41 PM88 views


4/3/2013 8:47 AM

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Loved the show this week, though it's too bad it got cut a tad short by technical issues (and pee issues!) because I could listen to Travis talk about Wrath of Khan all day.

And any more salvos you have to launch at OLR in the form of embarrassing Rob voice mails are much appreciated. That was hilarious. Especially "I'm not drunk" followed by "I'm kinda tipsy" mere seconds later. Classic!
4/3/2013 8:58 PM

1 0

Not to worry I have many, many salvos to fire.
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