VOG: The Game Wrapup For June 2012
The first month of VOG: The Game has completed, and it was a very successful beta test of what we're trying to accomplish here to bring you something more than JUST a website that has podcasts and blogs. This is a wrapup of some of the stats from our first month online as well as the final leaderboard tallies.
In the first month:
In June, we added the gameplay mechanics of Review Responses and Rankings. The announcements were made in the forum, which have the complete rules for participating. In July, we will be introducing the Podcast Checkin feature for select shows. This awards the same amount of points as a Live Checkin, but is geared towards people who listen to the podcasts and are unable to participate live. And, to make things more fair - while Participants who have checked into the live shows will be able to check into the podcast as well (to show their support as well as up the counter on their user profile) - they will NOT receive the points. This eliminates the advantage that our live Participants have over everyone else on the monthly Leaderboard.
We will also be introducing to our content creators the ability for them to award specific Loot that comes attached with Points. This will be used at the discretion of the content creator. An example could possibly be that if you #discodisco on Under Sedation Live, Travis Donovan would be able to award you a #discodiscoball.
There are also other opportunities to get Points - if you design a piece of Loot that is used in a standard fashion, you'll get 2 Points each time it is awarded. "Standard fashion" means during "normal" gameplay of the site, as determined by a GM, and not something specific for a show. Remember that to get credit, you will need to provide ALL three details as outlined in the "Design Loot" thread on the forums, and it should not be an in-joke specific to a particular show on the network. You are more than welcome to send the in-joke Loot, but realize that it won't help you on the Leaderboard.
So, who won in June? Well, it was a tie, but the way the system breaks ties is it looks at who got there first - which means that TigerClaw edged out Auspher by getting to 121 Points first by an hour and a half! TigerClaw's late run was helped by his acquisition of the "Mint Julep" Loot on June 30th, and both checked into Under Sedation Live to stay neck and neck.
But without further ado, the top 30... (excluding VOG staff and content creators)
And now, the top 10 for content creators and VOG Staffers...
July is a brand new month...So get to it!
Some Stats
In the first month:
- 34 Participants left 338 Comments - that's an average of 6.7 comments per Participant! The top commenter was Auspher with 44, followed by TigerClaw with 37 and act_deft with 28. TravisDonovan and PodCulture round out the top five with 13 Comments each.
- 26 Participants had 146 Likes on their Comments - that's an average of 5.6 likes per Participant! Auspher once again led the charge with 24 total Likes across all of his Comments, followed by TigerClaw with 17 and act_deft tied with TravisDonovan with 15. Skie rounds out the top five with 10 Likes.
- 26 Participants left those 146 Likes for others - with the same 5.6 comments liked per Participant! The top Liker was CloverNikon, who liked 21 different Comments, followed by Auspher with 17, and then myself and skie with 12. Salvalus and DarkTetsuya round out the top five with 11 and 10 Likes respectively.
- 48 Participants checked into at least one live event, with TigerClaw and TravisDonovan checking into all 12 live scheduled events for the month of June. PodCulture and Auspher checked into 11, and DarkTetsuya rounds out the top five with 10 total checkins. The most checked in show was the OLR 10th Anniversary special, with 39 checkins, all of whom were awarded one time Loot of an old couch.
- 51 pieces of Loot that AREN'T the First Time Visitors Chest, the OLR 10th Anniversary loot, or JimSally's "500 VOG Points" Loot (he didn't get any points) dropped for 18 different Participants , with an average of 2.8 pieces per Participant! Myself, TigerClaw, and TravisDonovan led the charge with 6, bolstered by Loot that drops on a certain condition that I personally will not divulge. Auspher received 5 pieces, and then DigitalFirefly, skie, and act_deft received 4. CloverNikon is the only person who currently owns double loot, as he has two Bullhorns of Awesomeness.
- Also, as an overall stat, registered users have visited the main website (not the forums) an average of 7.76 days.
What's Next?
In June, we added the gameplay mechanics of Review Responses and Rankings. The announcements were made in the forum, which have the complete rules for participating. In July, we will be introducing the Podcast Checkin feature for select shows. This awards the same amount of points as a Live Checkin, but is geared towards people who listen to the podcasts and are unable to participate live. And, to make things more fair - while Participants who have checked into the live shows will be able to check into the podcast as well (to show their support as well as up the counter on their user profile) - they will NOT receive the points. This eliminates the advantage that our live Participants have over everyone else on the monthly Leaderboard.
We will also be introducing to our content creators the ability for them to award specific Loot that comes attached with Points. This will be used at the discretion of the content creator. An example could possibly be that if you #discodisco on Under Sedation Live, Travis Donovan would be able to award you a #discodiscoball.
There are also other opportunities to get Points - if you design a piece of Loot that is used in a standard fashion, you'll get 2 Points each time it is awarded. "Standard fashion" means during "normal" gameplay of the site, as determined by a GM, and not something specific for a show. Remember that to get credit, you will need to provide ALL three details as outlined in the "Design Loot" thread on the forums, and it should not be an in-joke specific to a particular show on the network. You are more than welcome to send the in-joke Loot, but realize that it won't help you on the Leaderboard.
And Now, The Standings
So, who won in June? Well, it was a tie, but the way the system breaks ties is it looks at who got there first - which means that TigerClaw edged out Auspher by getting to 121 Points first by an hour and a half! TigerClaw's late run was helped by his acquisition of the "Mint Julep" Loot on June 30th, and both checked into Under Sedation Live to stay neck and neck.
But without further ado, the top 30... (excluding VOG staff and content creators)
Rank | Participant | Points |
1 | TigerClaw | 121 |
2 | Auspher | 121 |
3 | act_deft | 94 |
4 | DarkTetsuya | 80 |
5 | I3linder | 60 |
6 | DigitalFirefly | 59 |
7 | Shimapanic | 56 |
8 | dcNate | 53 |
9 | mattcube | 53 |
10 | JimSally | 49 |
11 | Misty | 48 |
12 | Bahska | 46 |
13 | Zeether | 46 |
14 | OrangeRight | 39 |
15 | FifthDream | 38 |
16 | vandalous | 37 |
17 | ObiWanJabronE | 36 |
18 | William_murderface | 33 |
19 | Degenerate Johnny | 28 |
20 | ssj100matt | 28 |
21 | VxJasonxV | 28 |
22 | CloverNikon | 23 |
23 | masteroftheclaw | 23 |
24 | Binary667 | 20 |
25 | Havok978 | 20 |
26 | ShadowNextGen | 19 |
27 | PkerUNO | 18 |
28 | stirlock | 18 |
29 | techieq | 18 |
30 | Drewnami | 13 |
And now, the top 10 for content creators and VOG Staffers...
Rank | Participant | Points |
1 | TravisDonovan | 114 |
2 | Bobby Blackwolf | 86 |
3 | skie | 80 |
4 | PodCulture | 80 |
5 | LOKI | 46 |
6 | JessicaHarper | 44 |
7 | puppetfarmer | 43 |
8 | ShaneAlenko | 34 |
9 | giove_dea | 18 |
10 | GGWRob | 15 |
July is a brand new month...So get to it!
Bobby Blackwolf is the host of The Bobby Blackwolf Show on the VOG Network, lead developer of the website, and lead GM for VOG: The Game. Follow him on Twitter at @BobbyBlackwolf
7/1/2012 1:18 PM