Video updates from the VOG Network staff

Rob Roberts from Orange Lounge Radio takes a deep dive on the New Routes feature for Pokemon Go. While demonstrating a sample route in a nearby mall, Rob talks about the things implemented well and not so well about the feature. Also brought up is a longer running Niantic Game, Ingress, where we take a look at the Missions feature in the game and how it's similar and different to the routes in Pokemon Go, and why Niantic may have chosen not to just copy over existing missions from their other game.

VOG VLOG by - 8/20/2023 10:30 AM Comments (0)

As you may have heard on some of our gaming shows on the network this week, VOGNetwork.com was at GaymerX2 last weekend. GaymerX2 took place from July 11th - July 13th at the Intercontinental Hotel in San Francisco, CA. While we were there, we shot some video and talked to some of the people at the show. Take a look at our VOG VLOG capturing the sights, sounds and most importantly cosplay of GaymerX2. Also featured in the video some of our podcasters here at VOGNetwork, as well as some fellow indie podcasters who took the stage in one of the many panels at the show, "Podcast X Zone"

VOG VLOG by - 7/24/2014 6:43 PM Comments (9)

Travis Donovan from Under Sedation Live takes you on a video tour of the USL Studios. Take a look inside to see what it takes to put on the show Saturday nights here on the VOG Network.

VOG VLOG by - 6/7/2012 6:14 PM Comments (10)