Doctor Who
Following the adventures of a time-traveling alien called "The Doctor" and his human companions as they deal with crises set on Earth and other worlds.
A Frost Fair begins, but revelers begin disappearing beneath the Thames, and Bill and the Doctor try to intervene.
The Doctor takes Bill to a spectacular city on a distant planet, but find it bare of colonists.
In the season premiere, two worlds collide when the Doctor meets Bill Potts and a chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a chase across time and space.
The Doctor faces his greatest challenge in the form of a fearsome creature known only as the Veil.
The Doctor and Clara visit a magical alien world hidden in the heart of London.
Footage from the wreckage of Le Verrier Space Station yields a terrifying story.
Shapeshifting Zygons run wild in the U.K. and with UNIT neutralized, only the Doctor can put a stop to them.
Shapeshifting aliens kidnap Osgood and the Doctor, Clara and UNIT travel the world to find her.
The Doctor encounters a deadly highwayman called "The Knightmare" and his sidekick, who are stalking London in search of loot.