A police detective, who's a descendant of a unique family of hunters, tracks supernatural creatures in this dramatic series that puts fairytale monsters in modern times.
Nick, Hank and Wu investigate a terrifying clairvoyant Wesen who has his eyes set on terrorizing a young family; Capt. Renard is left reeling from the appearance of an unexpected guest; Diana has some interesting news for Monroe and Rosalee; and Eve returns to the catacombs beneath Nick's loft to search for answers to her bizarre visions and side effects from being healed by the mysterious stick.
Adalind and Monroe do everything in their power to see that Nick's clever plan to get under Capt. Renard's skin goes off beautifully. Meanwhile, Eve and Rosalee are under the gun to get their spell ready on time.
Nick makes a pact with potentially deadly consequences; Hank and Wu think they have a way to stop Renard; a phone call throws Adalind into the middle of everything; Diana demonstrates her power while in the care of Monroe and Rosalee; and Eve and Trubel do some digging to figure out the mystery of the cloth found with the healing stick.
In the Season 6 premiere, a shoot-to-kill manhunt is ordered by Capt. Renard, who's hell-bent on eliminating Nick once and for all after the loft massacre. Meanwhile, Monroe and Rosalee have mixed feelings about staying in Portland now that their family is expanding; and Eve deals with the side effects of the mysterious stick's healing power.
Nick ponders whether he wants his Grimm abilities back as he and Hank continue to track a Wesen that's stealing memories from its victims. Meanwhile, Adalind learns she has a connection to Nick; and a recovering Capt. Renard has a mysterious visitor.
Nick adjusts to the loss of his Grimm powers and tries to figure out how to deal with Trubel as the fourth season opens. Meanwhile, Wu has an unpleasant flashback; a new group of Wesen come to Portland and steal people's memories; Capt. Renard fights for his life; and Adalind's desperation to find her child lands her in Prince Viktor's clutches.
The third season ends with the arrival of Monroe and Rosalee's wedding day. Meanwhile, Nick and Juliette come to a surprising realization that could have lasting effects on their relationship; and Adalind's actions have disastrous consequences.
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