This week we talk about Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery! Rzbg is joined by Raven (@Silkyraven) & CodeCat (@Cd_Cat9) for 90 minutes of Star Trekky goodness!
Star Trek Discovery Season 2 Special!
Introduce yourself, who are you and what do you do on the interwebs?
What’s your background with Star Trek before Discovery?
Did you see season 1 of DISCO, what did you think?
What did you make of the end of Season 1 / start of 2?
Okay, season 2 go go go!
What didn’t we like?
Where do they go now? What do you want to see from Trek going forward? A TOS Pike show? About that Picard TV show...
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Contact details:
Razerbug (Host): @rzbg
Robbie (Co-host & Editor): @robbie_glow
Raven: @Silkyraven
CodeCat: @cd_cat9
Show: thegeekcard.podbean.com
Twitter: @TGCshow
GGW Discord for those of you who are interested in joining their EU Casual raid nights: www.girlsgonewow.net/discord
If you want to add either of us on Pokemon Go to send stuff; message either of us via twitter
VOG Network: http://www.vognetwork.com/the-geek-card/
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Next Week - Show 136