Posts about VOG: The Game, the web game played by participating in the content media network that is VOG. Bobby Blackwolf is the lead designer, developer, and GM for this interactive experience.
Delayed a few days due to a very successful Dragon*Con, we now have the stats that the entire Internet has been waiting for - the results of August's iteration of VOG: The Game. A third month of the game yielded our third straight unique winner, although a former champion made a very compelling run up until the end.
Another month has gone by, and VOG: The Game has closed out yet another leaderboard. In true NBC fashion, I will tape delay the leaderboard to generate suspense.
The first month of VOG: The Game has completed, and it was a very successful beta test of what we're trying to accomplish here to bring you something more than JUST a website that has podcasts and blogs. This is a wrapup of some of the stats from our first month online as well as the final leaderboard tallies.
You've come for the podcasts, the articles, and the community. You sign up to participate, and lo and behold, you received...loot. Loot?! AND points were awarded? You just started your trip into VOG: The Game - which is the web-game played by participating in the content network you came here for in the first place. I'll explain it.
Why Register? Because VOG isn't JUST a content media network - it's a game. You play the game by participating in all that VOG has to offer. Rise in the Monthly Leaderboard by participating in our live broadcasts and podcasts, contributing to the discussion in our articles, and engaging in our interactive content - finding Loot along the way!
You might even find some Loot in the first five minutes after registering...You won't know until you try, right?